UPVC Windows Vs Aluminium Windows Vs Wooden Windows

Which one is best for your home?

Windows contribute significantly to enhancing the appearance and beauty of the building. Windows are an essential part of our home and office.

Windows admit light and ventilation into the building, allowing us to see the outer view of the surrounding area.

Are you confused about deciding between uPVC, aluminium, and wooden windows for your home or place of business?

UPVC Windows doesn't require any paint or polish. Aluminium Windows require powder coating or Anodizing. Wooden Windows require painting or polish.

Upvc windows can be operated smoothly without making any noise. Whereas aluminium windows make noise and are affected by weather and moisture.

Upvc windows are self-extinguishing, and they do not propagate fire. Aluminium Windows have a very high melting temperature. Wooden windows can catch fire very quickly.

UPVC windows require no painting routine cleaning is sufficient. Aluminium windows may demand periodic maintenance over a long period of usage. Wooden Windows need regular painting and Polishing.

Both aluminium and Windows Windows are pretty secured Whereas timber windows are vulnerable to force entry if they degrade.

UPVC and aluminium are both environment-friendly materials. Wood is not environment friendly as it courage deforestation.

To know which window is best for your home, please read a detailed comparison between Upvc, aluminium and wooden windows by clicking learn more.